Monday, July 11, 2011

What should i do because i feel like my husband doesnt care about me anymore?

today june 19, 2011 was mine and my husbands 2 year anniversary. it is also fathers day. he never really gets me anything a few here and there cheap gifts last year he was in afghanistan for our 1year and i never even got a call. this year we are spending it in holiday fl and already spent his money and caters to his mother. so today they made plans at 12 pm to go to his grandfathers cemetary to visit him for fathers day and then we had to meet his great aunt for lunch which they hate her anyway. so that ended at 530 pm. so by then pretty much everything is closed and he went straight on to his computer. 7 pm rolled around and his mom decided to play rhumakube however it is spelled and because she wanted to play we had to. so we did absolutely nothing today alone. we had the chance to he never planned anything and he gets mad at me and asks me what i wanted to do i tell him and he says sorry but no money. i know we did have money but he spent it how he wanted. im especially upset because he got me a 10 dollar necklace a 5 dollar bouquet of roses and a small bag of chocolate twizzlers. he had two weeks to plan something he never even wrapped the gifts the card had maybe 4 words and he said sorry its been hard lately love you and i know i should appreaciate the thought and that he even got me something but i spent more on him then he did on me i got him a really nice watch that is water resistant and two nice cards one for fathers day and one for our anniversary also i gothim a fathers day shirt. i think i expected to have such a special day because he has never spent my birthday with me and we have been together almost four years and on my birthday which i will be turning 21 and it is a week away he will be in ca going to school for his new job. so i thought he would have thought a lil more of me then to throw a cheap necklace in a bag and hand it to me. this is the 3rd piece of jewlery and only my engagment ring is real. he isnt hurting for money so i know he coulldve of got me something nice at least once. he sees absolutely nothing wrong with the gift but i do pleaee share some thoughts thanks :)

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